Return To Sound

Return To Sound

Amanda Gordon

Reconnecting To Our Infinite Nature ☥ ◉


We’ve been conditioned to “be quiet,” since the start. In our first preschool circle time, and even earlier- we learned to be “good,” was to be quiet. The consequence of this is that we overlook one of our greatest sources of strength.

A universal truth: everything is constantly in motion and vibration. Sound is vibration-vibration is sound. If vibration is a baguette, sound is the middle slice. It’s all the same bread.

By this understanding; within every single cell of you, is the same exact power that allows All That Is, to Be. Origin Harmonics show you how to re\establish your connection with this ever-giving fountain of power, from within.


The Power Of Your Own Sound

ORIGIN HARMONICS (OHM Method) are more than ancient, they are original. They are primordial sound keys for body alignment locks, which calibrate the body into coherence and direct the infinite power that is your own sound. This technique is combination of breath, somatic sounding, mantra and self-placed resistance ~ practiced together in the simple “Three Part Breath.” By making Origin Harmonics, you heal, restore and strengthen the body and nervous system- and ultimately activate your magic.

OHM integrates all parts of the body, including the face. Through facial stretches & exercises, tongue posturing, and self-holds, you address your entire fascial network. Redefining how you see you, feel seen, and present yourself to the world. Your relationship with gravity transforms as you embody your most vibrant beauty; from the inside, out.

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